Coulter DxH Reagent

Vendor : Home Care All
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Reagent Diluent Coulter® DxH™ Blood Cell Counting For UniCel® DxH™ 800 Coulter® Cellular Analysis System 1 X 10 Liter
  • For use as an isotonic buffered diluent in conjunction with a cyanide-free lytic agent for counting and sizing blood cells on UniCel® DxH™ 800 Coulter® Cellular Analysis SystemUse only with COULTER® DxH Cell Lyse
  • Tthe diluent is used for erythrocyte, hemoglobin, platelet, NRBC and reticulocyte measurements, as well as, for the measurement and differentiation of leukocytes into five subpopulations -- neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils
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