Vivonex RTF Complete Elemental Nutrition 8.45 oz Carton

Vendor : Home Care All
As low as $7.81
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Package Count: 24. Vivonex RTF Tube Feeding Formula is specially prepared for adults with weakened gut function or those in a stressed state. Nestle's Vivonex RTF works for individuals with malabsorption, pancreatitis or intestinal failure. It too is recommended for those who un…
Package Count: 24.

Vivonex RTF Tube Feeding Formula is specially prepared for adults with weakened gut function or those in a stressed state. Nestle's Vivonex RTF works for individuals with malabsorption, pancreatitis or intestinal failure. It too is recommended for those who underwent surgical removal of a major part of the large or small bowel. This gluten-free tube feeding formula is safe for those with gluten sensitivity. The lactose-free and kosher preparation also accommodates various dietary restrictions. Vivonex RTF nutrition formula features a blend of free amino acids, carbohydrates and healthy fats that aid in proper absorption. The addition of vitamins and minerals ensures a balanced nutrient profile. Nestle's Vivonex tube feeding formula facilitates easy assimilation into the body, even with minimal digestive function. For convenience, it comes in a ready-to-feed 8.45 ounce Tetra Prisma container with a pull tab opening for quick access.

  • Nestle's Vivonex RTF works for adults with weakened digestive health
  • It's gluten-free to promote safe consumption
  • The Vivonex tube feeding formula is lactose-free and kosher to suit different diets
  • Included vitamins and minerals ensure a balanced nutrient profile
  • This Nestle liquid formula enables proper absorption of nutrients even with weakened digestive function
  • It's available in a handy 8.45 ounce container for convenience
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